Sunday, March 27, 2016

The Piano Guys!

Our wonderful piano teacher arranged for any of her piano students who wished to attend a piano guys concert.  The two piano boys in our family (plus myself!) went, and it was AMAZING!

A beautiful, ornate theater, for a funny and meaningful concert.  Super fun evening!

This was the stage right before they came out.  The piano guys are two guys, one a pianist and one a cellist, who love to mash up classical music with modern tunes.  They are also funny, good story tellers, and do a great "straight man, funny man" routine.  It was an incredible evening, and really motivated our piano playing boys!

They were joined on one of their songs by some local student violinists.

If you are not familiar with the piano guys, you can find oodles of songs on You Tube.  Here is a link to one of our favorites, a mash up of "Fight Song" with "Amazing Grace," and set in beautiful Scotland.  Sorry, could not just imbed the whole video right here!

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