Thursday, June 5, 2014

Slogging through Blogging

I have so much "life" to blog about, and so many big events have happened in the lives of various children this spring..... first time to act in a play (sons G and L), first prom (daughters G and H, and son G), three of the five spring/summer birthday children celebrated..... and the main thing preventing me from blogging is that it is taking FOR. EVER.  to upload photos!  At least 20 attempts with each pic.  Seriously.  I just don't have that kind of time, so I walk away.  It is super frustrating.

I have two posts that have been in the process of being written for many days.  I come back each day and see if any more pictures will load.  Today two pics did!  Yay.  But the post is not done, so in my drafts it sits.  I don't know why blogger and my photos don't like each other, but I wish they would make nice and just get along!

1 comment:

votemom said...

ugh that sounds maddening! i wonder if you tried to access via another browser?? like, use google chrome instead of explorer or firefox?