Sunday, March 18, 2012

Our Week In Review

This actually spans the last three weeks' worth of history. We have been learning about colonization: the relationship between the European home country and its colonies in America, as well as daily life in the colonies and how each of them were founded. We have also learned quite a bit about the Native Americans and their relationship with the colonists. Such a fascinating, intriguing, complex time in our history!

I have kept a basket of library books all dealing with some aspect of colonial life in our family room for about a month now, and this has been frequently dipped into! The two books in the front are the two I have been reading most recently to son C and Little Man. One of them is being a native American for our unit celebration coming up soon, and we have been working on making his costume out of brown paper grocery sacks.

After we have read about the start of each colony, we have either written or drawn what we learned about it on these lapbooks from Tapestry of Grace. Son C has mostly written, while Little Man has mostly drawn.

This is Little Man's book about the Iroquois League. It may not look like much, but he can tell you in detail about every single thing he drew in this picture!

After we read about William Penn and the founding of Pennsylvania, we worked together to re-state some of the facts we had learned, and then the boys copied them into their lapbooks. Son C wrote two entire pages about William Penn, first about his childhood and young adult life, and then about his coming to America and founding the colony of Pennsylvania.

We have made steady progress in our Biblical study of the Trinity, as well. This is part of our worldview curriculum, and I love it! On this day we had talked about loyalty, how God is always loyal to us, and ways we can show our loyalty back to God. After discussing, the children wrote their ideas in their Bible journals. And yes, we also did a fun word search! (for the highly observant)

Can't believe we are finishing up Year 2, Unit 3 soon. That means we are 3/4 of the way through this school year! Eek! That makes me feel grateful and panicky at the same time. As we study Unit 4 we will be learning about what led to the Revolutionary War, the war itself, and our first two presidents. Greatly looking forward to that!

1 comment:

PJ said...

Thank you so much for sharing your homeschool journey. It really helps to see what other people are doing and what is working! I was wondering if you could do a review sometime of the Primary Arts of Language curriculum your using. I was thinking of using it for my son, but it is fairly new and there aren't many reviews for it. It would be helpful to hear your opinion of it. Thanks!