Thursday, June 16, 2011

Apparently I did not win the Kindle. :-(

I have not received an email telling me I didn't win, but I also have not received one telling me I *did* win, and it is two days past the day of notification, so.....

Thank you, those of you who purchased something from Hands and Hearts, for helping a small business owned by homeschoolers. Thank you for encouraging them, and me! As you use the product(s) you purchased from them, please pray for their youngest son Noah as he continues to battle the effects of mitochondrial disease. If you would like more info on Noah's condition and his current situation, go here.

I have found so many free e-books for the Kindle that go along with the time period we'll be studying next year, I think I will start saving money to just buy one. Have to do the math to see if that would be cost effective....

1 comment:

Targetshopper: said...

Boo! Wish you had won!