Sunday, February 27, 2011

Happy Birthday to Me!!

This past weekend I celebrated a birthday. How thankful I am to have been born! (thanks mom and dad!) Little man was sick and all he wanted was me, so I spent most of my birthday sleeping next to him, or reclining on the couch with him on me. Not a bad way to spend a birthday! (for me, pretty miserable for him) I received many well wishes and felt very loved. In the evening we went to my in-laws for dinner.

We brought Little Man's pillow and blanket, and he mostly slept on the couch while at their house. He did not have the vomiting kind of sickness, but whenever he gets sick he likes to hold a vomit bowl as a "security blanket". Isn't this a pathetic, sweet, and sad picture?

Daughter G decorated my cake!

With gifts from my parents and sisters. (love, love, love the book and plate mom and dad!! Thank you so much! Gayle, the shirt fits great and is really cute! And Debbie, your letter wrapped me in a warm blanket of love. All of you give the best gifts...)

I am so blessed to have spent another year with 6 of my favorite people!

Son L wanted to dance with me after dinner. After awhile, others got in on the act, and before long my 92 year old father-in-law was dancing with daughter G too! That was very fun.


karen said...

Happy Birthday Pam! So glad you enjoyed your day and celebration. Enjoy the last year of your forties!

Leslie said...

Happy Birthday Pam!!! So glad you had a wonderful day filled with love from your family! Hope your little man is feeling better soon.
