Saturday, May 8, 2010

No Training Wheels!

The training wheels are gone from our house forever! (which is both happy and a little sad) Little Man has been asking for about two weeks to have his training wheels taken off his bike, and I honestly didn't think he was ready. Well, I was wrong. He learned in a day. Less than a day. Now he zips around our loop almost as fast as his brothers. Way to go Little Man!

The video on top is very short, and was taken after about an hour of trying. The one on the bottom is 2 minutes of cuteness when he was first trying. (if I upload more than one video into the same post, blogger puts them side by side in my draft, and I can never tell until after posting which one is going to be on the top and which one is going to be on the bottom. Weird.)


Keri Harrison said...
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Keri Harrison said...

My first comment didn't post right! :) It said that I LOVE how excited you are when he rode all by himself that first time - so, so sweet!

Teacher/Mom said...

Hooray for Little Man! Princess S learned like that. Mostly by accident though. Her bike had been left outside and one training wheel was run over. Though we tried to straighten it, it was always slightly crooked and as such, she learned to ride on only one training wheel. Thus, when they were taken off, she pretty much took off right away.

Teacher/Mom said...

Forgot to add - Blessings!

Leslie said...

Way to go!!! Ours have hit this milestone at such different ages. We had one achieve it this year - and two more still to go. (And I don't think they'll be getting it soon.)
