Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Huge, Gut-wrenching Confession

Okay, did that get your attention? ;-)

I use "confession" in the "to spill your guts" sense of the word. And when you say things outloud, and you say them to others, they tend to seem more real. So that's the huge gut-wrenching part.

Here it is:

I have a goal to run a 5K before I turn 50.

This may come as a surprise to some of you, even those of you who know me well, but for most of my life I have been a runner. I ran track in middle school and high school ~ longer distances (a sprinter I am not). During college and throughout my 20's and early 30's I enjoyed running for exercise. Back in my hometown I had several routes that were familiar, predictable, and beautiful to me.

There was the 2 mile maintenance route to Cornwall Park, through the park, over the footbridge across the creek, past the playground and the spot where I got my first kiss, out the big gate and back home. Then there was the lengthier, more grueling route that involved a long slow ascent up the Illinois Street hill. I loved the route that took me by Sunnyland Elementary School, the school I attended as a child and where, years later, I first taught kindergarten. I would run behind the school, through the Memorial Park, and back home through tidy, familiar neighborhoods. And on a regular basis (because where I grew up truly is "God's country") I would run one of the lush trails in my hometown, soaking up the spectacular beauty and the presence of God as I ran.

In my mid to late 20's, while serving as a missionary English teacher in Japan, I developed new routes that passed through traditional neighborhoods along narrow streets, with Japanese housewives sweeping their front stoops, past soup vendors and small grocery stores, large Buddhist schools behind tall gates, and Shinto shrines. At first I was a curiosity to those who saw me run past, but soon the "regulars" grew accustomed to the tall, curly haired "gai-jin" and we exchanged brief greetings as I ran by. I loved these runs, and I loved praying for the people along each route.

While in Japan, in an effort to be intentional about my life, I made a life list. A list of things I hoped to accomplish, by God's grace, before I died. And one of the items on that list was "run a marathon". I have never shared that with another living soul before now, so this truly is a huge, gut-wrenching confession for me!

Fast forward 20 years from the writing of the life list, and I have never been farther from that goal. Numerous pregnancies (and miscarriages), five children, one c-section, and about 60 pounds later, I am a medium aged, often tired woman with arthritis in my knees. Along about the third baby or so I must have realized that "marathon" was a tad too optimistic so I changed the goal to a 5K. But still, in my present condition, a 5K is a big, big goal. I could walk a 5K today. I don't want to walk it. I want to run it.

This goal truly motivates me. I want to do this. I need to do this. For me. So I am officially in 5K training. I have been walking a mile (or more) most days, with a few interruptions due to sickness, for nearly a month now (I "walk" - and do light aerobics - in my family room to Leslie Sansone videos). I can tell my endurance is growing. I'm thinking just about the time all the remnants of snow finally melt, I will be able to move from walking to jogging. We shall see. If you think of me, please pray that God will help me to persevere. And if you're working on a big goal, please consider sharing it here and I will pray for you too!


lazy susie said...

Yay! Way to go!!!! I'm starting a cheerleading team for you, with tentative plans to be there at the finish line!

BlessingintheBattle said...

WAHOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!! Good for you!!! You can do it...and I am with lazy susie! I'd love to be at the finish line!!!!

lahbluebonnet said...

Well why didn't you say so in the first place????????? =) How cool! I used to be a long distance runner (not great) but for my Christian school I ran the race that Eric Liddle got the gold medal for! You go girl! I'll be praying!
My goals...hmm...I have to think on that. I think it's to get myself in exercise form again so I am headache and Excedrin free!! I was in a minor traffic accident yesterday so I have a new headache/body ache on top of the usual stress headaches. My overall headaches are stress induced and they all came into my life, quite frankly, when I got married. I have been learning a lot about dealing with the stress but I have more to learn!

Teacher/Mom said...

Good for you! I'm a great sprinter, but my knees give out if I try to do distances. Have you ever seen this website before?
Maybe you can train some of the little ones to run with you. Blessings.

Loren Warnemuende said...

You can do it, Pam! That's an awesome goal! (I don't know, though, is something in the air? Jen Gillett's about to run her 5K this weekend!)

Targetshopper: said...

I love your descriptions of the routes you used to run! I'm not a runner but I felt like you were navigating me through these routes and what great pictures you presented! I will definitely be praying for you as you train and accomplish this goal!!

Anonymous said...

Great goal, sis! thanks for sharing. I'm hopeful your knees will withstand the pounding...(and am hopeful that you'll not run on concrete!) :)
See you in Bellingham, soon. You and I can walk familiar routes TOGETHER.
Love you,

Beth in Texas said...

I never commented on this but I was very excited to read it. How is it going? Are you still "in training?" I never ever liked to run but I need to do something.