Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Computer Problems

We are back in the dark ages for awhile. Well, maybe not totally dark, but definitely dim. Our computer crashed a couple days ago. Best case scenario it needs a new power supply. Worst case scenario, it's dead. Currently I am using an old laptop that required hours of effort by my undaunted and very patient husband (thank you honey!) just to make it workable. It is super slow (hence the dark ages) and will be an effective tool in teaching me patience this week!

We have all our photos from the last 3 years on the crashed computer, as well as numerous documents I refer to frequently, my email address book, bookmarked sites, and the biggie....our history curriculum (I have just the digital edition for this unit, not the printed version). So please pray with us that it is the best case scenario, and if it's the worst case, that these items are retrievable (we last did a total computer back up in December).

This laptop has only one USB port, which is currently hosting my wireless mouse. But if I unplug the mouse I can plug in my camera cord and post photos, so later today I will work on that. If you later see a post with pics in it, give a virtual high five to my ancient laptop!


Debbie said...

I am so sorry to hear about your computer problems. Computer problems can be so frustrating.

lahbluebonnet said...

You can call TOG to get permitted to redownload your DE to a different computer. I hope your laptop can handle it! I'm praying for a fix!!!

Marsha said...

Praying you're back up and running soon. I miss you!!!
Love, Marsha

Beth in Texas said...

Praying! I had no idea about the rest of the stuff on there. :-(