Friday, February 12, 2010

M is for Music!

Our second week back at co-op in January the young 5's class learned about the sound that the letter "M" makes. Miss Lisa was our teacher for this day, because she is a very accomplished musician! First, she read the children this book about the orchestra called Tubby the Tuba.

Then she demonstrated a variety of musical instruments:

Her daughter, normally in the writer's class, handled the violin demonstration.

And then the children got to make their own instrument, a tamborine!

We ate mangoes and m-n-m cookies for our snack.

Let's hear it for the letter "M"!


Beth in Texas said...

Why not maracas?

Dana Leeds said...

What a great lesson. And it is neat that one mom (& her daughter) could demonstrate so many instruments.

Maggie Anne said...
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MarshaAnne said...

Pam, I love reading your updates on the preschool class! You are all so creative and the kids always look like they're having a lot of fun. Great job!