Friday, January 15, 2010

I Hate....


Hate is a strong word, I know, but I really, really, really, really hate cancer. I'm sure you know, as I do, many people who have both lived and died with cancer. It is all around us. Every week, sometimes more often than that, I learn of someone else who received a cancer diagnosis.

This week, it was someone close to me.

It is crushing. Devastating. It is a whole different world, that I would never want anyone to enter, and yet so many have to. There are enough testimonies out there that the logical part of me realizes it can be an incredible crucible of suffering that changes and shapes a person for good. For God. I know enough Scripture, and I've experienced it personally, to know that God loves each of His children and has good plans for them. Who am I to question His purposes?

And yet, today, I just really, really, really, really hate cancer.


Beth in Texas said...

So sorry. So very, very sorry. :-(

lazy susie said...

I saw that title and thought to myself, "Pam doesn't hate. That's just not her personality. One of her boys must have written something silly and goofy about hating."

But now I see that there is something that can bring out hate even in someone with such a sunny personality and I so, so understand.

Let us know if you want specific prayers, until then, it will just be God's will and peace and comfort.

God bless.

Dana Leeds said...

Cancer is so rough. I'm sorry to hear about your loved one. My sister had to go through testing just this week... they thought she might have bone cancer. I'm praising God that it turned out NOT to be cancer. But, I will say a prayer for your loved one tonight!

Leslie said...

I'm so very sorry!!!! I wish I had words to make it better. Cling to God. Praying for you and your loved one and those that love them too.


Targetshopper: said...

I'm right there with you. HATE it.