Tuesday, December 29, 2009

A Sad Darth Vader

Have you ever seen a more pathetic picture?!? My husband "won" this Darth Vader mask (complete with realistic sounding voice box) at his high school boys Bible Study white elephant gift exchange, and the children have been loving it. While Little Man was wearing it, he became sad about something and tried to put his head down on his arms, but that darn mask was so big! You haven't lived until you've seen Darth Vader pouting. :0)


Teacher/Mom said...

That is too funny! I'd love to hear, in a Darth Vader voice, "Oh, woe is me!" What a keeper.

Leslie said...

Too cute!

I wanted to thank you for all that you posted on my blog. I appreciate the encouragment and the understanding about grieving and also being grateful. What a hard time your friend went through -and also incredible joy. I am praying for her aching mama's heart for her sons.

Want to give you a big hug and thank you for your sweet encouraging spirit! I'm thankful to have met you! :-)


Sleepless Sabra said...

That is HILARIOUS! I love it. I have a photo somewhere of Batman and Spiderman learning to braid hair on a giant Barbie head. Heehee.

Targetshopper: said...

awe! lol!

lazy susie said...

we are on vacation on a beach outside of our country and our neighbor is the young darth vador actor. he's not here though, so he's probably sad.