Monday, June 29, 2009

Sunday Evening

We spent the evening at one of our favorite playplaces!

The hooting and hollering our children made at this self-propelled merry go round attracted other children. First just a couple came....

....then more joined in!

It was a fun, fun evening. I am such a do-er by nature, and there is always a long list of things to be done, that I have to force myself to just "be" and have fun. Last night was like that. Very relaxing. I love my family!


Adrienne XO said...

Congrats to you for being in the moment and enjoying the blessings right in from of you! Looks like fun.

Targetshopper: said...

great pictures! i think that park is so cool!

lahbluebonnet said...

When my kids were young, we had little money to do much else than go to the playground and we always had a blast. We were playground connosuiers!