Sunday, April 5, 2009

Funny Video

One of our daughter's friends sent her this video of homeschool dad and comedian, Tim Hawkins, doing a song we had not heard/seen before. It's pretty funny! The children asked to see it over and over. And so you know what's happening now......we are hearing phrases from this song sung over and over! (who says children can't memorize quickly?) We hope you enjoy it!


A Hopeful Hollar Knits said...

Hi! Kristen is a new friend of mine and she told that you and I have a lot in common. I homeschool,grind my wheat,make bread,knit,garden... You can see where this is going. I love DOING things!!!!!!! ;-) I like your blog! Do you know about the blog Smockity Frocks? She's my real might like it...

Marsha said...

Thanks for sharing dd's video link. You have kicked my day off with a huge laugh! Now off to share it with some young friends around here, and not so young!

Love you,