Thursday, March 26, 2009


Little Man had a rough day today. Two late nights in a row and no naps makes one very cranky 4 year old. To top it off, he got a spanking during nap time when he was caught OUT of his bed, playing with a car mat. We have a rule that while his music is playing he must stay in bed and try to sleep. If he is still awake when the music stops (79 minutes later!) he may get out of bed and play quietly. Well, the music was still playing and he was out of bed, searching for a specific car that goes with this dollar store car mat one of his siblings gave him for Christmas. The spanking was not averted, the car was not found, and the nap was not taken. Many tears.

At bedtime tonight.....

Me, after being what I thought was quite patient while standing in the doorway listening to him talk about the missing car: "It's time for you to stop talking and go to sleep now. I'm going to close the door, and you need to close your eyes and go to sleep."

Little Man: "But we need to find the car!"

Me: "We'll look for the car tomorrow."

Little Man: "Okay, we can send out a search party."


votemom said...

oh i hope he finds the missing car tomorrow....
and i hope he takes a LONG NAP tomorrow too!!!

Targetshopper: said...

Haha! I laughed out loud!