Monday, March 23, 2009

Kit Kittredge

We saw this movie last Friday during our family movie night. Since both daughter G and myself recently read the books we thought it'd be fun to check out the movie. We really enjoyed the movie, though it differs from the books in a few important ways. Except for one family (mom and son) the boarders they take in are completely different in the movie than they were in the books, though these changes are necessary to support the plot that becomes evident. Kit was very well played by Abigail Breslin, and we enjoyed watching her spunk and creativity! Our boys liked it as much as G and I, and I highly recommend it!

1 comment:

MarshaAnne said...

How ironic! We watched it for our family night tonight (the same night you posted this). Josiah and Jesse were not looking forward to it, but they ended up loving it. It's a great movie.