Thursday, November 20, 2008

The Mother of all Blow Outs

Little Man had a blow out while at Awana last night. Of course, what baby/toddler doesn't have blow outs now and then, right? But he is nearly 4. And big. And the bigger the boy, the bigger the blow out. He tried to "take care of it" himself and ended up making a bigger mess - on his hands, the chair, the floor, the table, the wall, the toilet (when the leaders finally got him there). It was inside all his clothes, down to his socks, his shoes. EVERYTHING. This hasn't happened in months so I was unprepared. We don't ever take a diaper bag with us anymore.

Needless to say, when I got there and saw it for myself, I realized the two wipes I had swiped from the church nursery weren't going to do a whole lot.

Poor Little Man, he was hysterical. Just sobbing. He was so embarrassed. He just fell onto my shoulder in a wet shaking heap. I was so glad to be his mama and be able to comfort him and start cleaning him up so we could go home and have a warm bath. And I am *so thankful* for his Awana leaders who took it all in stride and had donned rubber gloves and were valiantly making an effort at cleanup when I got there. Thank you Lynn! You are wonderful!

After cleaning him up as best I could, finding some clothes to come home in, and cleaning up the bathroom, it was 8:55 and I could just imagine what the leaders of my other boys' activities were thinking of me, to pick them up so late. My hubby who is usually there facilitating the Truth Project, had stayed at work late last night. But the very patient Sparks leader was kind and understanding and we finally made it home a little after 9:00, where everyone had a small snack and Little Man had a nice bath and went to bed.

Yesterday had been a tough day for me, for many reasons. We had a craft night at MOPS where we stamped some beautiful cards, and that was fun. But I had to slip away during the stamping to go and pray in a quiet place. I had had no quiet all day and my soul was craving it. I poured out my heart to God for a few moments and then sat still, just resting in His presence. It was just what I needed. Then I returned to the MOPS room, made a few gorgeous cards, and a short while later is when one of Little Man's Awana leaders came to get me because, as she whispered to me, "he had a poop accident in his underwear."

As I was cleaning up his blow-out and comforting his little traumatized self, it occurred to me how much like him I am sometimes. Something happens that disappoints, hurts, or upsets me, and while others can be helpful, no-one can comfort me like God can. No-one else can clean up my messes like God can. No-one else knows just what I need like God does. No-one else is willing to get as dirty as necessary in order to meet me right where I am. How thankful I am for the Lord! How grateful I am for His unconditional love! It is too wonderful for me to comprehend, but as I experience it day by day (some days feeling it a little more keenly than others) my heart grows ever more grateful.

"Because of the Lord's great love, we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness." ~ Lamentations 3:22-23


Targetshopper: said...

I am almost in tears for poor little man! awe! But what a great and true way to relate it back to God's love for us. so good.

votemom said...

poor little boy. i'm sorry for him. and thankful with you for loving leaders. thanks for sharing. good stuff.

Targetshopper: said...

I'm joining in on blogspot. We'll see how it goes.