Tuesday, September 23, 2008


As I was tucking in 6 year old C, I explained that since the brother he shares a room with was out with daddy, I would leave his door open, but he was NOT to get out of bed unless he had to go potty.

C: "what if I need to ask you something really bad?"

Me: "If you want to ask me something really bad, you need to ask right now."

(I should have seen it coming)

C, settling in: "well mommy, I was wondering how is it possible that God was never built? Or born? I mean, how can He always be?"

Oh great!

So started a very sweet 25 minute conversation, just he and I. It's not often that I get to tuck him in without his bunkmate. We talked about how volcanoes are made, among other things. Here are more snippets of the conversation about God:

C: "Before God made anything, there was just black. Black that goes on and on and on and on until it bumps into more black."

Me: "Well actually, in Genesis the Bible tells us that before God started creating there was just void. Void means empty."

C, clearly incredulous!: "I can't imagine what nothing looks like! I mean, if God hasn't made black yet, and there's no white or grey, or any colors. What does nothing look like?"

And later......

C: "do you know who I'm most thankful for mommy? God! I love Him so much and I want to make him happy, but it's very, very hard."

Me: "yes sweetie, it is hard, but God can help us do what is right."

C, ignoring me and still thinking about how hard it is: "it's the hardest thing in the world.........."

How thankful I am for this boy! How thankful I am for the chance to see into his heart and mind, and know some of his deep thoughts. Thank you, Father, that C is already asking such excellent questions. Please show Yourself to him in ways that he can understand. Help us to give him the right image of You. And help him to do what is right, and to "make You happy." Thank you for being bigger and higher and greater than our humanness can understand. I love you, Lord.


Targetshopper: said...

The new layout is so pretty! I love it!

I'm thankful with you for your sweet conversation with C. He is so smart and has some great questions. I love tender, teachable, Spirit-filled moments like that. Thanks for sharing it.

Molly said...

What a precious conversation! I'm so glad you wrote about it so you will always be able to remember it.
