Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Change of plans

Four of our five children got sick in the night last night, which is a record for us. The first one at midnight, the second one at 2:00, then at 6:00 and the last one at 7:30. Three of them required complete bedding changes, and one "lucky" boy even got a bath in the middle of the night! I succumbed about 8:30 this morning. My husband is not feeling great, but he has been ably taking care of the rest of us. The only one completely untouched is our 2 year old. Needless to say it was a long night.

So, no school today!

I remember when I was pregnant with our third child (in three years) being worried about how I'd handle it if they all got sick at the same time. And you know what? God's grace covers that WHEN it happens. It's not easy or fun, but we get through it one hour at a time, by God's grace. And the silver lining is that maybe I can lose a few pounds this way??

So, I'm going to go read a few chapters of "Sign of the Beaver" to the kiddos and then put EVERYONE down for naps!


votemom said...

ugh. poor you guys. so sorry.

Marsha said...

Oh, my dear friend, you are all in my prayers today!

Hugs, from a safe distance...

Anonymous said...

I'm praying for health and stamina!

Anonymous said...

Oh my word. I am so sorry! I hope tomorrow brings restored health.

MarshaAnne said...

Sorry to hear everyone is sick! I can relate...all four of mine are sick. No vomiting though...I'm thankful for that!

Hope they get well soon.
