Tuesday, October 9, 2007


....I feel significantly better. Leg still hurts but that allover sick feeling is gone. Thank the Lord for antibiotics!!

....we were blessed by the meal fairy. I LOVE the meal fairy.

....my dryer stopped working while drying the first critical load of someone's bedding.

....I was blessed and encouraged by a note from a friend with 4 little boys. You know who you are! :-)

....while reading about William Brewster in William Bradford, Pilgrim Boy, our son G looked at me and said, "I can't wait to get to heaven and meet all these wonderful people!" and then our son L chimed in with, "I can't even wait to meet God!"

....I miss my parents. They live too far away.

....I smiled through an entire piano practice session with L because he was so enthusiastic.

....paid over $50 to fill up my van.


Anonymous said...

I am SO glad you are feeling better. I remember when we were little I used to be so afraid you'd get stung by a bee and maybe die...it was very worrisome:)

G looked lovely in her new clothes; she really is growing up isn't she?!

Love you, Rosie

Anonymous said...

I've been praying for you! My bee sting last summer wasn't as bad as yours. I know I was in a great deal of discomfort with mine. Glad you are doing better! I got the bathroom remodel pictures taken on my birthday (Oct 9, since you asked) up! It's the third entry down.

lazy susie said...

I have also thanked God for antibiotics (and pain meds and sinus meds) on many an occasion! Aren't we terribly blessed? I don't think either of us would survive long in the jungle.

I am glad that you are feeling better. I had no idea it was that bad.

God bless!
