Saturday, August 11, 2007


This is the fine print to the last two entries about getting ready for school:

* I do not claim that my children will be smarter, get higher test scores, or be more godly for being homeschooled.

* I do not claim to be an expert in educational theory, methods, learning styles or curriculum. Just an expert in my own kids.

* I do not claim to be a better mom, a more committed mom, or in any way, shape or form supermom, for homeschooling. Just a mom trying to be obedient and doing the best that she can.

* I do not claim that my children will never run in church, never lie, hit, kick or scream, or never run past you without saying hello (in fact I can pretty much guarantee that they will do all of the above).

* I do not claim to be an expert in anything food related, including bread making. Just familiar with my own experiences.

* I most definitely do NOT claim to be an expert in potty training. I do have an opinion that has been formed as the result of numerous failures.

* I do not claim to be an organizational guru, or a scheduling expert. But I love to try!! :-)

Now back to your regularly scheduled programming!

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