Thursday, July 26, 2007

First Mammogram

If any of my male relatives are reading this, let me just say that you should be very, very, very nice to your wife on the day of her mammogram!! I'm glad it's over. I was 5 years past the recommended age for a baseline mammo, but as I have been either pregnant or nursing or both virtually nonstop for the last 10 years, I have not been able to have one until now.

It helped me tremendously to know that I was in charge of how much pain I wanted to be in. I did not know until today that I could say "stop" whenever the top plate squishing down on my girls got too uncomfortable. Of course, wanting to prove that I was some kind of Amazon woman, I waited until I literally could not breath and then croaked out, "okay!" That and the fact that I wanted the first films to be good ones so I wouldn't have to do it over again.

You know what I thought of whilst doing this uncomfortable procedure? My kids. I want to be around for them for a long time. I want to finish raising them. I want to snuggle and love on my grandkids. I want to watch my children parent their own little people who are as difficult as they were! I want to watch my husband go completely gray. I want to LIVE! If this preventative measure can help extend my life, I will do it gladly. Life is such a gift and each day is so precious. I'm so grateful for my life.

And that's all I have to say about mammograms. Except that there is no picture to go with today's post. :-)


Anonymous said...

Yea! I can post here now! Have I told you how much I love your blog? lol

Pam, I remember my first one a couple of years ago. All I could think of was how true (in part) that famous forward I got a few years before. The tech never heard of the forward so I regaled her of my memory of it. Quite an experience!
Laurie from TLT

Anonymous said...

I'm so excited to read your blogs and keep in touch this way! Thanks for sharing your blog with us! I'm laughing about the lack of a picture to go with this entry. You're funny.

votemom said...

i always have to go back and get the more "in depth" shots. it is very painful and i can't say "stop". oy. good for you for getting it done. i'm six months overdue. but, then again, there was that rather thorough exam in russia.... ahem.

BlessingintheBattle said...

I, too, have experienced this fun adventure for women...and, like Ms. Vote, don't get to say stop, either!

Here is a laugh for you all--I have passed out at everyone I have had, now...I get to do my mamms from a wheelchair!

Wasn't funny the first time, but now I can laugh at it.

I agree with you, Pam, taking care of matters such as these has become SO much more a priority and has brought on so much more meaning as a mom.

Thanks for sharing...I love reading your blog!